Hervé Pouliquen

André Merlin,


André Merlin, CEO of Medgrid
André Merlin, CEO of Medgrid

André Merlin, CEO

  • Former President of CIGRE, the largest worldwide organisation for high voltage power grids.
  • Former President of the Supervisory board of the Ecole Supérieure d’Electricité, highest electrical engineering school in France.  
  • Former Chairman of the Board of RTE (French TSO) and ErDF (French DSO).  
  • President of MEDGRID (Consortium to develop exchanges of electricity between Europe and Mediterranean countries.)  
  • First CEO and founder of RTE, the French Transmission System Operator Company.
  • Former Special Adviser of the European Commissioner for Energy.
  • Co-founder  and  Past  Chairman  of  the  European  Transmission  System Operator Association.  

Prior  to  the  creation  of  the  Electricity  Market  in  France,  André MERLIN  got  several senior positions in Electricité de France in the field of Transmission and  Conventional Generation and Research and Development.
Fluent in three languages, he graduated from Ecole Polytechnique and from the  Ecole  Supérieure  d’Electricité  in  Paris.  He  is  the  author  of  more  than  one  hundred papers in the field of power systems.


Jean Kowal,

Executive Vice President

Jean Kowal
Jean Kowal

Jean Kowal, Executive Vice President

Jean KOWAL spent most of his career with EDF, where he held various positions in the field of transmission. He was for more than 10 years Director for Design and Construction of the Transmission Network, and later, Vice-President for Transmission and Telecommunications

He was the  Secretary General of CIGRE from 2001 to 2010 and joined Medgrid in August 2011. 


Hervé Pouliquen,

Head of Economy and Finance

Hervé Pouliquen, Head of Economy and Finance, Medgrid
Hervé Pouliquen, Head of Economy and Finance, Medgrid

Hervé Pouliquen, Head of Economy and Finance

Hervé Pouliquen took part in the launch of the company in 2010 in his role as mission head alongside André Merlin, RTE supervisory board committee president.  Between 2006 and 2009, he was head of the energy mission at the Strategic research centre of the Prime Minister, where he was Rapporteur for energy and environmental matters to various French policy commissions alongside several major French company CEOs.
In 2007 he was named national Rapporteur for Grenelle Environnment in the energy demand management group, where he linked with the various groups and institutions taking part in the debate set up by the French President and run by Jean-Louis Berloo.
Between 1987 and 2005, Hervé Pouliquen held several management roles within EDF in the areas of energy prospection, industrial economy, and power technology electronics within R&D management.


Philippe Adam,

Head of “Infrastructure and Technology”

Philippe Adam, head of “Infrastructure and Technology” at Medgrid
Philippe Adam, head of “Infrastructure and Technology” at Medgrid

Philippe Adam, Head of “Infrastructure and Technology”

Before joining MEDGRID, Philippe ADAM has contributed to the implementation and management of RTE international consulting services from 2004 to 2010. Previously he was the Head of the Management Control Department of RTE from its creation in 2000 until 2004. From 1992 to 2000 he has had several management positions in Electricité de France (EDF), in the field of 400 kV and 225kV substation engineering at the Centre of Equipment of the Transmission Network, and in the field of transmission network development and maintenance.

From 1980 to 1991 he was a research engineer and group leader at EDF R&D division in the field of high voltage direct current (HVDC) and power electronic applications for the electricity transmission networks.

He has been a member of CIGRE (International Council on Large Electric Systems) since 1982, successively expert, working group member and convener in Study Committee 14 (HVDC links), Secretary of the Technical Committee since 2002, and Secretary General of the French National Committee since 2008. He was twice awarded the Technical Committee Award and is a CIGRE Distinguished Member.


Isabelle Gosselin,

Project Manager


Isabelle Gosselin, Project Manager

After ten years working at senior levels for large international companies, Isabelle assisted Mr. André Merlin since 2008, in his positions of President of CIGRE, President of the Supervisory Boards of RTE and ERDF, within the Presidency of RTE and EDF.

Isabelle GOSSELIN attended, due to her former functions with André MERLIN, the creation of the Consortium MEDGRID and André MERLIN’s naming as Executive President of MEDGRID.

Attached to the Management, as” Support Business Team “, Isabelle insures since June, 2011, the administrative support of the team MEDGRID.
